[Dec 19th, 2024]: We have a tentative contract agreement! See the terms here. Delegates will vote at the 12/19 delegate assembly on whether to recommend it to the entire membership for ratification.
[Nov 8th, 2024]: Our chapter will be holding a special meeting on "unity and community" on December 5th (on Zoom). All PSC members who work on our campus are encouraged to attend. (See the chapter chair's email from November 8th for details).
[Oct 22, 2024]: Hundreds of PSC members came out -- and dozens were arrested -- at this week's protest outside of the CUNY Board of Trustees meeting. Read about it in the Chief Leader here.
[Sept 24th, 2024]: Thank you and congratulations to everyone involved in our chapter's Decarbonizing CSI event! It was a huge success with over 70 faculty, staff and students -- and even administrators -- attending. Watch the video from the event here.
[Sept 19th, 2024]: Sign up now for the PSC's Informational Picket on September 24th! This event is scheduled to take place right before a round of contract negotiations that day -- come show your solidarity!
[May 7th, 2024]: The PSC will be holding a special meeting of the Delegate Assembly on May 9th, as required by our organization's constitution when petitioned by at least 10% of its members. Find the relevant documents here and here, and please note: these documents do *not* represent current PSC policy in any way, but were brought forward by a group of individuals for consideration.
[May 6th, 2024]: We are holding a chapter election! Ballots will be sent electronically and all dues-paying members of the PSC-CSI chapter can vote from May 6 to June 3rd Please find the list of candidates and short bios here.
[May 5th, 2024]: Please see President James Davis's May 5th message related to a resolution calling for support for encampments protesting the war in Gaza.
[Apr 7th, 2024]: The CUNY Board of Trustees is holding its Public Hearing at CSI on April 15th at 4:30pm (in 1P). Please come and testify! To do so, just send an email to [email protected] as described in this announcement.
[April 4th, 2024]: Have you heard? CUNY central administration would like to reduce campus autonomy and weaken shared governance -- by a lot. See the Hensel Memo here, and see the response by your faculty governance leaders here. See also Hensel's response to the response here.
[Feb 26th, 2024]: This Thursday marks the one-year anniversary of our contract's expiration; please help us send a message to CUNY management by being among those gathered at the fountain behind 1P on Thursday, Feb 29th from 2:30pm-3:30pm. See the flyer here.
[Feb 5th, 2024]: We have a chapter meeting, Thursday, 2/8 from 2:30-4pm. As always, the Zoom link for the meeting will appear on this page the day of the meeting. And please show your support for each other and your union by wearing red for higher ed--every Thursday until we have a new contract!
[Feb 1st, 2024]:Register by noon tomorrow (Friday, 2/2) to testify at the next Borough Hearing held by the CUNY Board of Trustees.
[October 12th, 2023]: Every Thursday is Wear Red for Higher Ed at CSI! We're showing solidarity with our bargaining team every Thursday by wearing red to work. Need something red to wear? Submit a request here for red PSC apparel and we'll have something sent to your office at CSI.
[October 10th, 2023]: PSC President James Davis will be attending our next chapter meeting! Join us on Thursday, Oct 12th from 2:30-4pm, and bring questions for our president!
[October 3rd, 2023]: Tuesday, October 10th is Wear Red for Higher Ed at CSI! All PSC members at CSI are asked to show up to work wearing red to voice their support for a fair contract and for a fully-funded CUNY!
[Sept 14th, 2023]: PSC members need to to be aware of the disparity between our vision of the future and CUNY management's vision of the future. Here are CUNY's contract demands. Note that, despite letting our contract expire last February without even coming to the table until summer, CUNY management doesn't think PSC members deserve retroactive back pay.
[June 27th, 2023]: The PSC and CUNY are at the bargaining table! Keep up to date here.
[April 10th, 2023]: It's official: there will be rally at CSI on May 9th at 2pm -- please come out to oppose cuts and support the New Deal for CUNY!
[April 5th, 2023] See today's message, sent to all PSC members on campus, from the chapter chair.
[April 4th, 2023] Have you forgotten about pandemic-era governance crisis at CSI? We haven't! As our campus conducts a search for its new president, we want to remind everyone how important it is for campus administrators to respect shared governance, and the CUNY by-laws in general. For a refresher, see the coverage by CSI United.
[March 21st, 2023] The CSI Chapter of the PSC, in cooperation with other campus and community stakeholders, is preparing a demonstration to oppose the ongoing cuts to CUNY's budget. The event is scheduled to take place at CSI on May 9th; watch this space for details (or better yet, follow our Twitter feed).
[March 15th, 2023] Please check out this excellent open letter to the Staten Island Advance by PSC members Prof. Alyson Bardsley and Prof. Matt Brim. This is a letter to the editor that the Advance has so far not published, or even responded to.